Artist: Annika John

  • Where do you live?
I recently moved to Göteborg, Sweden. I am originally from Germany but I have lived in Denmark for the last 3 years.

  • Which method / technique do you use?
I am educated in graphic design and have wood, textile, metal, and glass skills. And I enjoy mixing materials. So digital paintings, handmade paintings or textile printing….

  • How would you describe your style / designs?
I am still exploring a lot with styles and materials, so I would say I don’t have „a style“ yet. But I do like abstract art, but I also like to paint nature and plants. I am not sure what that makes me:D

  • How / why did you start with art?
I started painting when I was really young. Maybe 10/11 and I also immediately named my artworks and hung them around our house:D So I always knew that art would play a big role in my life. And when I was 16/17 I started collecting and preparing to apply to art schools, to study art.

  • What inspires you?
My friends:) and nature, being outside gives me the most ideas.

  • Do you have a message with your art?
No, not really. It just brings me joy to paint and create, which I would like to share. And maybe inspire others to just create and do.

  • What do you think your art can add to a home?
A smile:) (Hopefully)

  • Anything else you want to add / that is important to mention?
I am just really happy to start sharing my art and I am super honored to have people enjoy what I do:)
Artist: Annika John